‘пурпурно-черный темно-синий и немного желтого канистра для бензина немного искажения, немного цвета, на этом закончим, немного искажения, немного цвета, все готово’ by Tom Koehler at Plague Space, Krasnodar

Exhibition title: пурпурно-черный темно-синий и немного желтого канистра для бензина немного искажения, немного цвета, на этом закончим, немного искажения, немного цвета, все готово
Dates: 24.06  — 28.07.2023
Artist: Tom Koehler
Text: Nick Jorgensen
Venue: Plague Space, Krasnodar, Russia
Photo: Angelina Venmer
Video production: Riccardo Zagorodnev

Empty space, though seemingly devoid of matter, is far from empty. It is the arena of existence. In the absence of physical things, space is a medium that allows for movement, interaction, and the materialization of life. It is the stage upon which bodies can dance.
Life chooses when to fill in the empty space. We choose what to make of life. Life is a journey and learning is a perpetual journey within the confines of life.You are always learning. No matter what you are always learning. And there are always new ways to learn. But for me, I prefer learning on my own… One day a little boy once saw a young bike rider. He was unable to comprehend what he was seeing at the time because it was his first time seeing this sight. To him, it looked incredible. A vehicle, accelerating at high speeds and balancing on only two narrow circles with a strange young boy exposed to plain air. This particular biker was biking exceptionally fast. And when you are young, everything seems faster.
Years later he looks down at the pavement with his hands on the handlebars and his feet on the pedals of his bike. His father holds him tightly while pushing him along the driveway. “PEDAL!” yells the father. The boy starts to pedal and the father starts to accelerate. All of a sudden the father lets go. The boy’s face lights up, making it clear that he is proud to be riding that bike all by himself. That memory will stay with him for the rest of his life.

Exhibition view
Exhibition view
Tom Koehler, ‘NO MUSIC’, 2023, single channel video, 244 seconds
Tom Koehler, ‘NO MUSIC’, 2023, single channel video, 244 seconds (Screenshot)
Tom Koehler, ‘NO MUSIC’, 2023, single channel video, 244 seconds (Screenshot)
Tom Koehler, ‘NO MUSIC’, 2023, single channel video, 244 seconds (Screenshot)
Exhibition view
Tom Koehler, ‘In The Sky’, 2023, color film on radiator, 75×48 cm
Exhibition view
Tom Koehler, ‘Angel Number’, acrylic paint, 17×20 cm
Tom Koehler, ‘Angel Number’, acrylic paint, 17×20 cm (Details)
Exhibition view
Tom Koehler, ‘IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE’, 2023, Ink on paper, dimensions vary
Tom Koehler, ‘IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE’, 2023, Ink on paper, dimensions vary (Details)
Tom Koehler, ‘IN THE BLINK OF AN EYE’, 2023, Ink on paper, dimensions vary (Details)