Plague Space
Plague Space is an artist run space founded by the team Plague in 2020 in Krasnodar. The main tasks of the space are the development of contemporary art in the region, familiarisation of viewers with the activities of artists from different countries.
350010 Krasnodar, Zipovskaya 5 lit B, k 224.
- The last off-site show on the Earth at Plague Space and everywherePart 2 offline, Group Show Curated by PLAGUE
09.12.2023 — 28.02.2024 - Funny / SadGroup Show Curated by Rhizome Parking Garage at Plague Space, Krasnodar,
14.10 — 11.11.2023 - Millions Now Living Will Never Die!by Ian Swanson at Plague Space, Krasnodar
26.08 — 30.09.2023 - пурпурно-черный темно-синий и немного желтого канистра для бензина немного искажения, немного цвета, на этом закончим, немного искажения, немного цвета, все готовоby Tom Koehler at Plague Space, Krasnodar
24.06 — 28.07.2023 - THY EVERY CREATURE ART ON THE EARTHby Artyomm Seeela at Plague Space, Krasnodar
13.05 — 17.06.2023 - The place that can never beby Anna Taganzeva at Plague Space, Krasnodar
25.03 — 07.05.2023 - Totalby PLAGUE at Plague Spase, Krasnodar
18.02 — 18.03.23 - Shadow Bannedby Michael Bussell, at Plague Space, Krasnodar
29.10 — 30.12.22 - Street MagicGroup Show By Residents Of The Vinogradov Ip Curated by PLAGUE at Plague Space, Krasnodar
20.08 — 23.09.2022 - Сотовый/Cellularby Andrei Pokrovskii, at Plague Space, Krasnodar
16.07 — 20.08.2022 - Golden Showby Pasha Bezor, at Plague Space, Krasnodar
3.06 — 10.07.2022 - Полыньby Zukhra Salakhova at Plague Space, Krasnodar
30.04 — 28.05.2022 - Agendaby Arthur Golyakov at Plague Space, Krasnodar
12.02 — 12.03.2022 - OK BOOMER, 3+1Group Show Curated by PLAGUE at Plague Space, Krasnodar
11.12 — 20.01.2022 - Ленивый and старательныйby Joe W. Speier at Plague Space, Krasnodar
20.11 — 5.12.2021 - A Portal FantasyGroup Show Curated by Underground Flower at Plague Space, Krasnodar
25.09 — 20.10.2021 - Flight To NowhereA Showby Bernhard Holaschke at Plague Space, Krasnodar
28.08 — 20.9.2021 - The Forcefieldby Bora Akinciturk at Plague Space, Krasnodar
17.07 — 15.08.2021 - Dezicionsby Paul Barsch & Tilman Hornig, at Plague Space, Krasnodar
19.06 — 15.07.2021 - ¡el siguiente!by KOTZ at Plague Space, Krasnodar 22.05 — 15.06.2021
- Processby Vanya Venmer Сurated by Arthur Golyakov at Plague Space, Krasnodar
01.05 — 20.05.2021 - Fog Palaceby Philip Hinge & Club Superette at Plague Space, Krasnodar
03.04 — 28.04.2021 - Quintessence IIby Vitaly Bezpalov at Plague Space, Krasnodar
11.03 — 02.04.2021 - Gapahukby Kenneth Alme at Plague Space, Krasnodar
13.02 — 08.03.2021 - Happy New YearGroup Show Curated by PLAGUE at Plague Space, Krasnodar 12.12.2020 — 22.1.2021