Off-site Show by Pasha Bezor & Vanya Venmer, Novorossiysk
«We must find a way… to make indifferent and lazy young people sincerely eager and curious – even with chemical stimulants if there is no better way».
Just got back from patrol. My left ear was swollen. We said goodbye. V. and S. went their way and I went mine. And here I see, as three «hrs» pressed their motorcycles two boys, obvious ffffff, to the locked gate. I issued a war cry and defended 0F, like she’s already putted in the red book. I didn’t have time to blink as «hrs» hit me. Seriously speaking, it could end up not funny, if V. and S., hadn’t arrived, heard a scuffle in two quarters.»HRS» instantly saddled their equipment and were such. But that is typical! The Ffffff, for which I shed my noble blood, turned out to be such the same moment that the «hrs» turned their attention from them to me. Shit.
During the patrol, we talked mainly about «n¿N». I Dont remember who started this conversation and why, but as a result of all this, I formulated my own classification of the current «n¿N».
Class «A».
Homegrown philosophers, failed artists, graphomans of all kinds, unrecognized inventors and so on. Disabled of the creative work. They have a perseverance to create. But here is no talent to perform, and they broke down. Incidentally, M., too, of course, «A», but in a different way. G. A. calls such people resonators and claims that they are very rare. Some strange explosion of civilization development.
And class «B». B-like bastard. Lumpen. 0F. The complete lack of visible talents, complete indifference to everything. Laziness. Lack of will. Social entropy. Bottom.
«We must find a way… to make indifferent and lazy young people sincerely eager and curious – even with chemical stimulants if there is no better way».
Photo by Olya Virich
Mikhail Kurilov – A.R.Ft(eco) feat Johanna Gibbs
Curated by Plague
Pasha Bezor & Vanya Venmer, Treasure, 2019
Pasha Bezor & Vanya Venmer, Treasure (detail), 2019
Pasha Bezor & Vanya Venmer, Treasure (detail), 2019
Vanya Venmer, Untitled1991 (A Rod Is For The Back Of One Who Has No Sense), 2019
Vanya Venmer, Untitled1991 (A Rod Is For The Back Of One Who Has No Sense) (detail), 2019
Vanya Venmer, Untitled1991 (A Rod Is For The Back Of One Who Has No Sense) (detail), 2019
Vanya Venmer, Untitled1991 (A Rod Is For The Back Of One Who Has No Sense) (detail), 2019
Pasha Bezor, Visitor, 2019
Pasha Bezor, Visitor (detail), 2019
Pasha Bezor, Visitor (detail), 2019
Exhibition view
Exhibition view
Exhibition view
Exhibition view
Exhibition view
Exhibition view
30-30 by Vanya Venmer, 2019
Vanya Venmer, 30-30, 2019
Vanya Venmer, 30-30 (detail), 2019
Pasha Bezor, Triumph, 2019
Pasha Bezor, Triumph (detail), 2019
Triumph by Pasha Bezor (detail), 2019
Exhibition view
Vanya Venmer, Untitled (part of dude I), 2018
Vanya Venmer, Believe In Me (II), 2019
Pasha Bezor, Untitled Mask (1), 2019
Pasha Bezor, Untitled Mask (1) (detail), 2019
Pasha Bezor, Untitled Mask (1) (detail), 2019
Pasha Bezor, Untitled Mask (2), 2019
Pasha Bezor, Untitled Mask (2), 2019
Pasha Bezor, Untitled Mask (2) (detail), 2019